Helping eCom brands add $50-100k+/month profitably using FB ads + AI creatives.

My name is Jonathon Pham, I currently manage my own 7-figure eCom brands and actively spend my own money applying what I learn spending $1000's a day.

I am truly passionate about helping eCom brands like yours get to the next level, and am not here to bleed you of every dollar like most agencies do.

That's why I prioritise creative efficiency first. Instead of creative agencies that charge you thousands a month for 20 pieces of content, I start from what you have and leverage AI voiceovers to make iterations from there. This way you get the highest ROI for the least cost.

When you work with me, I will be your creative strategist - leveraging core human desires and direct response principles to create high-converting ads. I am a marketer first, service provider second.

So if you'd like a partner who genuinely cares, and your fun to work with - click below to book a time with me, where we'll audit your brand together.

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